Behind the debts, mines, and oil: the image and life of the Chinese business community in Ecuador

“For these women, the important things are the nature, the water, and the well-being of their communities. And what is happening with these Chinese companies is that they are imposing a project that supports contamination and different ways of the abuse of power,” described Esperanza Martínez, an environmental activist in Acción Ecológica, an Ecuadorian non-governmental organization. When Martínez explained her concerns on the Plaza Grande–the … Continue reading Behind the debts, mines, and oil: the image and life of the Chinese business community in Ecuador


“要求总统听证会!中国企业离开亚马逊雨林!”2018年3月14日,厄瓜多尔首都基多市的著名旅游景点独立广场(Plaza De La Independencia),约100名来自亚马逊雨林深处的土著女性代表在烈日下举行抗议,控诉着当地政府批准的石油和铜矿项目破坏了她们赖以生存的家园。她们身着民族服饰、怀抱着婴儿,要乘坐两天的独木舟,步行两天穿过雨林,再转乘公交车才能到达厄瓜多尔首都基多。据悉,这样的抗议活动已经持续了3天。 Continue reading 中国企业在亚马逊雨林:在隔阂中前行